The Foundation of a Healthy Lawn: Fertilization and Weed Control

Count on our expertise to achieve a thick, healthy lawn. We use high-quality fertilizers and targeted weed control treatments tailored to your lawn’s needs. Our approach ensures strong grass growth, capable of withstanding challenges from stress, disease, and pests By combining high-quality fertilizers with targeted weed control and preventative grub control treatments, our program is designed to give you the healthiest, best-looking lawn possible. Our lawn care professionals will work with you to tailor the program to your lawn’s specific needs, ensuring that your lawn gets the right treatments at the right times. With our program, you can enjoy a thick, lush lawn all season long, without the hassle and worry of lawn care.
  • Early Spring: We kick off the season with a high-quality slow-release fertilizer, providing your lawn with essential nutrients for healthy growth. Additionally, we apply pre-emergent to suppress and control crabgrass, and weather permitting, a liquid treatment targets weeds.
  • Late Spring: In our second step, we administer another round of high-quality slow-release fertilizer to fortify your lawn. We also apply a second pre-emergent for extended crabgrass control and address any existing weeds with targeted weed control treatments.
  • Early Summer: As summer approaches, we apply a premium slow-release fertilizer to bolster your lawn against seasonal stresses. Our season-long preventative grub control and bonus limited summer control for surface-feeding insects ensure your lawn remains healthy. We also target broadleaf and grassy weeds for effective control.
  • Late Summer: Our late summer treatment involves another application of slow-release, high-quality fertilizer to sustain your lawn’s strength and health. We continue to target broadleaf and grassy weeds to maintain a pristine lawn appearance.
  • Fall: As we transition to fall, we apply a final round of premium fertilizer to prepare your lawn for the winter months. We also conduct targeted weed control on broadleaf and grassy weeds to ensure your lawn enters the dormant season in top condition.
Early Spring Fertilization: Timing: Typically done in early spring, around March or April, when the grass starts to green up and grow. Late Spring Fertilization: Timing: Done in late spring, usually around May or June, to continue supporting healthy growth and development as the weather warms up. Purpose: Supplies additional nutrients to sustain the lawn’s growth and vigor, ensuring lush, green grass throughout the spring and into summer. Early Summer Fertilization: Timing: Applied in early summer, typically in June or July, to fortify the lawn against the stresses of summer heat and drought. Purpose: Provides the lawn with essential nutrients to help it withstand the increased demands of summer, promoting deep root growth and improving overall resilience. Late Summer Fertilization: Timing: Done in late summer, usually in August or September, to support the lawn’s recovery from summer stresses and prepare it for the fall season. Purpose: Supplies nutrients to replenish the lawn after the stresses of summer, promoting recovery and strengthening the grass for the cooler months ahead. Fall Fertilization: Timing: Applied in fall, typically in September or October, as the temperatures begin to cool and the grass enters a period of active growth. Purpose: Helps the lawn recover from summer stress, promotes deep root growth, and builds up energy reserves for winter dormancy. Additionally, fall fertilization encourages early spring green-up and helps prevent winter damage. Purpose: Provides the lawn with essential nutrients after winter dormancy, promoting early growth and helping to strengthen the roots for the upcoming growing season. Each step of the fertilization program is carefully timed to coincide with the lawn’s natural growth cycle and seasonal nutrient needs, ensuring optimal results and promoting a healthy, vibrant lawn throughout the year. Customers typically have several goals in mind when investing in a fertilization program for their lawn. Some common goals include:
  • Healthy, Lush Growth: Customers want their grass to grow thick, lush, and green, creating a vibrant and attractive lawn that enhances the overall appearance of their property.
  • Weed Control: Customers aim to minimize or eliminate weeds from their lawn, as weeds detract from the visual appeal and health of the grass. A fertilization program that includes weed control helps keep weeds at bay, allowing the grass to thrive.
  • Disease and Pest Resistance: Customers want their lawn to be resilient against common lawn diseases and pests, such as fungus, grubs, and insects. A well-fertilized lawn is better equipped to resist these threats, resulting in fewer issues and a healthier overall lawn.
    • Stress Tolerance: Customers seek a lawn that can withstand environmental stresses, such as drought, heat, and cold. Proper fertilization provides the grass with essential nutrients, improving its ability to tolerate stress and recover more quickly from adverse conditions.
    • Overall Maintenance Reduction: Customers want a low-maintenance lawn that requires minimal effort to keep looking its best. A fertilization program that promotes healthy growth, weed control, and stress tolerance can reduce the need for additional maintenance tasks, such as watering, mowing, and pest control.
The most common weeds, diseases, and insects that customers complain about in their lawn include: Weeds:
Crabgrass : A summer annual weed that spreads rapidly and competes with grass for nutrients, water, and sunlight. Broadleaf weeds (e.g., clover, chickweed, plantain): These weeds have wide leaves and can quickly take over a lawn if left unchecked, detracting from its appearance. Dandelion : A perennial weed with deep taproots that can be difficult to eradicate, often creating unsightly patches in the lawn. Diseases: Brown patch: A fungal disease that causes circular patches of dead or dying grass, particularly during warm, humid weather. Dollar spot: Another fungal disease that creates small, circular patches of brown grass, resembling silver dollar-sized spots. Powdery mildew: A fungal disease that appears as a white, powdery coating on the grass blades, typically in areas with poor air circulation and high humidity.
    Insects: White grubs (larvae of various beetle species): These soil-dwelling insects feed on grass roots, causing patches of dead or dying grass that can be easily pulled up like a piece of carpet. Chinch bugs: These tiny insects feed on grass blades and inject toxins into the grass, resulting in yellowing, stunted growth, and ultimately, death of the grass. Sod webworms (larvae of various moth species): These caterpillar-like insects feed on grass blades, creating brown patches of dead grass that can be mistaken for drought stress. Addressing these common issues often requires a combination of proper lawn care practices, such as regular fertilization, mowing, watering, and aerating, as well as targeted treatments for specific weeds, diseases, or insects. Regular monitoring and prompt action can help prevent these problems from becoming severe and damaging the overall health and appearance of the lawn. Add-ons to the base program above

    Lime Application

    A lime application complements our fertilization program by balancing your lawn’s pH levels, ensuring optimal nutrient uptake for healthy growth. Lime application is typically done when soil pH levels are too acidic, as indicated by soil testing. 1. **When:**    – Lime application is usually done in the fall or spring when soil testing reveals acidic pH levels.    – Fall application is preferred in regions with cold winters, as it allows time for the lime to react with the soil before the next growing season.    – Spring application can also be effective, especially in regions where fall and winter soil testing and treatment are not feasible. 2. **Why:**    – Soil pH levels affect nutrient availability and uptake by grass roots. Acidic soil (low pH) can result in nutrient deficiencies, even if nutrients are present in the soil.    – Lime raises soil pH, making essential nutrients more available to grass roots and promoting healthy growth.    – Additionally, lime helps to balance soil pH, creating a more hospitable environment for beneficial soil microbes and organisms.    – Proper soil pH levels also improve the effectiveness of fertilizers and other soil amendments, ensuring that your lawn receives maximum benefit from nutrient applications. By applying lime as needed based on soil testing results, you can optimize soil pH levels and create an ideal growing environment for your lawn, promoting healthy, lush growth and minimizing nutrient deficiencies.

    Core Aeration

    Our core aeration service relieves soil compaction and promotes better air, water, and nutrient penetration to the grass roots, resulting in a stronger and healthier lawn. 1. **When:**    – Fall: Aeration is often performed in the fall, after the summer heat has subsided and the grass is entering a period of active growth. Fall aeration allows the grass to recover more quickly from the process and promotes strong root development before winter dormancy.    – Spring: Aeration can also be done in the spring, as the grass begins to green up and actively grow. Spring aeration helps alleviate soil compaction from winter activities and promotes healthy growth for the upcoming growing season. 2. **Why:**    – Alleviates Soil Compaction: Over time, soil becomes compacted due to foot traffic, heavy machinery, and other factors. Soil compaction restricts root growth and reduces water and nutrient penetration. Core aeration loosens the soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass roots more effectively.    – Promotes Strong Root Growth: By loosening the soil and creating space for roots to expand, core aeration encourages deeper root growth. Deeper roots are more resilient to drought, disease, and pests, resulting in a healthier and more resilient lawn.    – Improves Nutrient Uptake: Aerating the soil enhances nutrient uptake by grass roots, ensuring that fertilizers and other soil amendments are absorbed more efficiently. This results in better overall turf health and vigor.    – Reduces Thatch Buildup: Thatch, a layer of dead grass and organic matter that accumulates on the soil surface, can hinder water and nutrient penetration. Core aeration helps break up thatch and promotes its decomposition, improving overall soil health. Overall, core aeration is an important lawn care practice that helps maintain a healthy and resilient lawn by addressing soil compaction, promoting strong root growth, improving nutrient uptake, and reducing thatch buildup.


    Our overseeding service thickens and rejuvenates your lawn by introducing premium grass seed varieties, filling in bare patches and improving overall turf density for a lush and resilient lawn. Overseeding is typically done in the fall when the soil is still warm, but the air temperatures are cooler. 1. **When:**    – Fall: Overseeding is most commonly done in the fall, typically from late summer to early fall. This timing allows the newly seeded grass to establish before winter dormancy and provides optimal conditions for germination and growth.    – Spring: While fall is the preferred time for overseeding, it can also be done in the spring, as the soil begins to warm up and the grass starts to green up. However, spring overseeding may be less effective than fall overseeding due to competition from weeds and potential stress from summer heat. 2. **Why:**    – Thickens Lawn: Overseeding helps thicken the lawn by introducing new grass seed varieties to fill in bare patches and improve overall turf density. Thicker turf crowds out weeds, reduces soil erosion, and enhances the aesthetic appeal of the lawn.    – Repairs Damage: Overseeding is an effective way to repair damage caused by foot traffic, pests, diseases, or environmental stressors. By filling in bare spots and thin areas, overseeding restores the lawn’s health and vitality.    – Introduces Improved Varieties: Overseeding allows homeowners to introduce improved grass seed varieties that are better suited to their specific growing conditions, such as shade tolerance, drought resistance, or disease resistance.    – Enhances Resilience: A thick, healthy lawn resulting from overseeding is more resilient to stress, disease, pests, and environmental extremes. Overseeding promotes deep root growth and improves overall turf health, making the lawn more resistant to damage and quicker to recover from stress. Overall, overseeding is an important maintenance practice that helps maintain a healthy and attractive lawn by thickening turf, repairing damage, introducing improved grass varieties, and enhancing resilience.