Count on our expertise to achieve a thick, healthy lawn. We use high-quality fertilizers and targeted weed control treatments tailored to your lawn’s needs. Our approach ensures strong grass growth, capable of withstanding challenges from stress, disease, and pests
By combining high-quality fertilizers with targeted weed control and preventative grub control treatments, our program is designed to give you the healthiest, best-looking lawn possible. Our lawn care professionals will work with you to tailor the program to your lawn’s specific needs, ensuring that your lawn gets the right treatments at the right times. With our program, you can enjoy a thick, lush lawn all season long, without the hassle and worry of lawn care.
- Early Spring: We kick off the season with a high-quality slow-release fertilizer, providing your lawn with essential nutrients for healthy growth. Additionally, we apply pre-emergent to suppress and control crabgrass, and weather permitting, a liquid treatment targets weeds.
- Late Spring: In our second step, we administer another round of high-quality slow-release fertilizer to fortify your lawn. We also apply a second pre-emergent for extended crabgrass control and address any existing weeds with targeted weed control treatments.
- Early Summer: As summer approaches, we apply a premium slow-release fertilizer to bolster your lawn against seasonal stresses. Our season-long preventative grub control and bonus limited summer control for surface-feeding insects ensure your lawn remains healthy. We also target broadleaf and grassy weeds for effective control.
- Late Summer: Our late summer treatment involves another application of slow-release, high-quality fertilizer to sustain your lawn’s strength and health. We continue to target broadleaf and grassy weeds to maintain a pristine lawn appearance.
- Fall: As we transition to fall, we apply a final round of premium fertilizer to prepare your lawn for the winter months. We also conduct targeted weed control on broadleaf and grassy weeds to ensure your lawn enters the dormant season in top condition.
- Healthy, Lush Growth: Customers want their grass to grow thick, lush, and green, creating a vibrant and attractive lawn that enhances the overall appearance of their property.
- Weed Control: Customers aim to minimize or eliminate weeds from their lawn, as weeds detract from the visual appeal and health of the grass. A fertilization program that includes weed control helps keep weeds at bay, allowing the grass to thrive.
- Disease and Pest Resistance: Customers want their lawn to be resilient against common lawn diseases and pests, such as fungus, grubs, and insects. A well-fertilized lawn is better equipped to resist these threats, resulting in fewer issues and a healthier overall lawn.
- Stress Tolerance: Customers seek a lawn that can withstand environmental stresses, such as drought, heat, and cold. Proper fertilization provides the grass with essential nutrients, improving its ability to tolerate stress and recover more quickly from adverse conditions.
- Overall Maintenance Reduction: Customers want a low-maintenance lawn that requires minimal effort to keep looking its best. A fertilization program that promotes healthy growth, weed control, and stress tolerance can reduce the need for additional maintenance tasks, such as watering, mowing, and pest control.